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Pay-Sharing Program

14th Year of Pay Donations and
Ildong’s Matching Grants The key to sharing is ‘Authenticity’

A major pillar in all of Ildong Pharmaceutical Group’s CSR activities is a program in which employees can choose to donate a portion of their pay each month. The program began in 2004 and is now in its fourteenth year. The program in its early days only allowed employees to donate a fixed amount each month but, as interest in the program grew beyond all expectations, was changed to allow employees to donate anywhere between 0.1% to 1% of their monthly wage. Currently, more than 90% of Ildong employees are participating in this donation program. The funds raised through this program are used to support orphanages, facilities for the disabled, and numerous other welfare institutions and organizations and shared with anyone who needs our help. What’s more, the company matches the pay donations made by the employees to effectively double the sharing. In addition to this important pay-donation program, Ildong Pharmaceutical Group is also actively involved in numerous volunteer programs to help neighbors in need and give back to the communities.

The funds donated by Ildong employees are used to share love and warmth with our disfranchised neighbors in need.
이 표는 월급나누미활동 목록을 나타내는 표로 기부 시작, 기부처로 구성되어 있습니다.
History Recipient
2007-Present Saebit Rehabilitation Center for the Blind
2013-Present Human Asia
2007-Present Yangjae Social Welfare Hall
2008-Present Shinseng Children’s Home
2015-Present Jahye Children’s Group Home
2015-Present Dodamdadam Group Home
All the volunteer programs involving Ildong employees serve to instill within the organization a stronger sense of respect for the sanctity of life, a greater degree of loyalty to the company, and a heightened sense of pride as members of the Ildong family.

Employees of Ildong Pharmaceutical Group is showing the world that small and consistent efforts can produce big results and that there is undeniable beauty in sharing with and caring for others.

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