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A global healthcare group dedicated to customer-centric values

Ildong Holdings supports its affiliates to achieve the corporate’s vision and to create value through new business development and investments and identifies new growth engines. Each affiliate of Ildong Holdings promote collaboration in sales, marketing and various areas to create synergetic effects.

Ildong Pharmaceutical, Ildong Bioscience, Ildong Hyaltech, Ildong E-commerce, Ildong Healthcare, Idience, Aimsbioscience, Uni Communications, Rutec, and all other affiliates are actively promoting the health and well-being of people in various areas- food, health supplement products, distribution, marketing, and IT.

Company,Founded,Capital,CEO,Listing Date,Employees,Main Business
Company Ildong Holdings Co., Ltd.
Founded 14 March 1941
Capital ₩10,490,000,000
CEO Park Dae-chang
Listing Date 23 June 1975 (securities listing)
Employees 94(26 March 2020)
Main Business Management of group affiliates and investing

Business Area

    • Ildong Pharmaceutical
    • Ildong Healthcare
    • Ildong Foodis
    • Ildong Aesthetics
    • Ildong Hyaltech
    • Ildong Ecommerce
    • Ildong Bioscience
    • Uni Communications
  • IT
    • Rutec
    • Songpa Foundation
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